Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fat Stanley

You might of noticed a very fat, furry companion accompanying us on our trip. And, you might of thought to yourself "what the...". Well the reason we're carry around a very fat cat along with us is because, my mom had a brilliant idea. What if we brought along this cat as if he were like flat Stanley, she said., bring him every where we go. So that's what we did. But of course the cat couldn't stay flat Stanly, so we dubbed it fat Stanly to fit his character better.


  1. Oh yeah I want to give credit to Grandma for her donation of Fat Stanley...thanks Grandma!

  2. Morgan your blog is really cool! It sounds like you had a good time in Iowa. Your road adventure looked like a blast due to your creative entries. I hope you are having an amazing summer!

    From, Kendra
